Swedish Golf Alliance - Partner with Ekholmsnäs Golf Club


Swedish Golf Federation profile

HCP and membership certificate

Membership active within 24 hours
A Swedish Golf Alliance membership gives you the opportunity to play golf all over the world.
As a member of the Swedish Golf Alliance, you will automatically receive a membership in Sweden’s largest golf club, Ekholmsnäs Golf Club.
You can join the Swedish Golf Alliance, no matter where you live, for only 50 euros a year.
Membership - Swedish Golf Alliance - Valid until 2023-12-31
- Membership - Swedish Golf Federation
- Membership - Swedish Golf Alliance
- Membership - Ekholmsnäs Golf Club
- Membership - European Golf Association
- Online HCP Certificate/Membership card
- Golf-ID (valid world wide)
- Book teetimes - GolfBox, Ontee, MinGolf, etc
50 euro/year
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